• Apotheke Pharmacieplus, Schweiz
  • Apotheke Pharmacieplus, Schweiz

Pharmacieplus Apotheke

Pharmacieplus is a network of more than 100 family owned Swiss pharmacies, which provide the highest quality pharmaceutical care and pharmaceutical services to all their customers. The Pharmacieplus pharmacies operate under a logo comprising a green cross with a circle around it.
RZB outfitted the Pharmacieplus pharmacy in Columbier, Switzerland with energy efficient LED luminaires, whose extremely low heat dissipation allows sensitive products such as cosmetics to be lit to optimal effect. The pharmacy opted for Magcardo® Maxi LED and Rondos DS LED recessed spots, as well as Pascala® LED downlights, which integrate innovative Miro Silver reflectors. RZB’s large Flatliner luminaires in customized Pharmacieplus green accentuate the corporate design of Pharmacieplus, delineate the counter area, and promote brand recognition.

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