• Universität Maison du Savoir, Esch Belval LU

»Maison du Savoir« University

The Maison du Savoir is both an icon of the future and a reminder of the past. Conceived and constructed by be baumschlager eberle in cooperation with Christian Bauer & Associés Architectes as the floating focal point of the new University of Luxembourg campus, the building is a striking and highly visible landmark. Built on the site of a former steel plant in the Belval district of Esch-sur Alzettem, it is now the centrepiece of the new Cité des Sciences. The corridors of the "House of Knowledge" are given a special kind of character by the large-format Flat Polymero pendant luminaires. The architects, in partnership with lighting designers at Jean Schmit Engineering, chose these stylish luminaires as they reflect the geometric elements of the building's exterior and their bright two-dimensionality provides a strong contrast with the dark ceilings.

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