And it did BIM!

At the top of the winners podium: RZB was honored with the "Best New Customer Journey 2020" award at the BIMobjectLIVE - Worldwide Business Conference in Malmö.

Die Preisverleihung fand im Rahmen der diesjährigen BIMobjectLIVE - Worldwide Business Conference im schwedischen Malmö statt. Foto: BIMobject
Erster Platz: RZB konnte den Award für „Best New Customer Journey 2020“ mit nach Hause nehmen. Foto: BIMobject

All RZB products are BIM-enabled

RZB has been providing BIM-enabled data as Revit files for download on RZB-website since December 2016. These files include information such as article number, dimensions, colour, energy consumption, output, etc This means that all the relevant information, for example on investment and operating costs, energy footprint, maintenance service life and recycling, can be consulted throughout the entire life cycle of the building.

A selection of our portfolio can also be found on the industry-wide BIMobject (» ) platform. A link with all the standard CAD programs means they can also be downloaded directly here and integrated in construction planning right from the design stage.

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