RZB is there again! *The major German brands 2021*

Since 1953, the German Design Council promotes the general awareness for design by conducting competitions, holding conferences and by various publications. As of today the council’s network counts more than 320 renowned companies and institutions – among them RZB.

This 8th edition of their publication series *The Major German Brands* bears the highly up to date title *#whatcounts* as because of Corona, companies are currently facing challenges and the question what really matters more than ever.

Especially in an era of change as the one we are experiencing right now, design, brand and innovation are crucial for a companies’ success. Only brands that become visible and position themselves with a positive message, can overcome these times of crisis.

We are proud to once more be part of the chosen German companies. Having received the *TOP100* award multiple times, RZB counts as one of the initiators of excellent innovation like the continuous line luminaire system LINEDO and product lines awarded because of their design.

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